Basics of physical body and health by Vedhathiri Maharishi

Man is a harmonious blending of body and spirit – a marvelous fusion of Physical structure, life force and mental faculties that have evolved during countless millennium to a very high level of perfection.

The human being has come to this world with a purpose – to develop his consciousness to the fullest extent and achieve perfection and everlasting peace.

Although Spiritual development is the goal of man, it’s realization is possible only if the physical body is maintained in a healthy condition.

So let’s learn about the basics of the body – it’s structure and working.

In the functioning of the human system, it is the life-force that plays the main role. The physical structure serves only as a container.

A closer study of the human being will reveal that it consists of five layers corresponding to the five elements: solid, liquid, heat, air and ether or Akash.

Solid is the physical structure, liquid is the blood, heat is electricity, air is oxygen and Akash is the life force.

The subtle life force and the gross solid body are linked together by three media, viz liquid, heat and air. If the normal quantity and quality of these media and the pace of their circulation within the human system are adversely affected in any way, the life-force in its electrical function get short-circuited and the molecular arrangement in the physical body is disturbed and punctured.

As a result, the life-force gets obstructed, diverted or exhausted in proportion to the extent of the disturbance and the intensity of the short-circuit. Whenever there is a disturbance, it is called “Pain”.

If the disturbance is more intense, the pain is also more, as there is a corresponding increase in the exhaustion of the life-force. If the disturbance is for a short period, it is known as Pain. If it extends over a long period, it is known as “Disease”.

If the disturbance is of such magnitude that a major portion of the life-force is exhausted, the functioning of the physical body gets paralyzed and comes to a standstill. Such a condition is known as “Death”.

So, it’s very clear to take care  of physical body, the life-force and the three media for maintaining a good health.

Disturbances can occur in 2 ways:

  1. Through our own actions .
  2. Through the functioning of natural forces.

Neglect, improper or over-indulgence in food, sleep, work, sex and use of thought – force are the factors by which the disturbances are caused by our own actions.

Climatic differences, hereditary imprints and changes in the intensity of radiation of planets due to variation of distances and their conjunctions are the factors by which disturbances are caused by natural forces. Nature has provided a certain amount of immunity in all human beings against such disturbances.


But if the immunity level is crossed, health gets impaired. We can to a large extent, avoid these actions that cause such disturbances. But sometimes, we become victims to circumstances and act in such a way that we cross the immunity level. It is not possible to avoid the consequences of the functioning of the natural forces.

Hence, the only course of option open to us is to raise our immunity level, so that the body will be able to withstand not only our own erroneous actions, but also the unpredictable onslaught of natural forces. Man has discovered over centuries that through suitable physical exercises one can develop and increase his immunity level to guard himself against ill health and also if any disease is there, to rectify ourselves speedily and successfully.

There are 2 aspects in all physical exercises: Postures and Movements. The three media: blood, air and heat are circulating in the human system one within the other according to their specific gravity and they are governed by the centripetal pull exercised by the earth.

When the normal position of the body is altered or when a part of the body is moved or turned towards or away from the earth, the location of the three media in that portion or part is also altered.

When a part of the body is turned towards the earth, a little more blood flows to that part and little more air goes to the other side or part of the body which is upward.

In addition to this, if a rhythmic movement is also given, all the three media are suitably regulated. Through such systematic and well-regulated movements, the various parts of the body get cleansed, strengthened and rejuvenated.

Thus through exercises, we can achieve good level of immunity against disease so as to enable to stay healthy in spite of occasional erroneous actions or adverse natural forces.

Usually, various types of physical exercises are formulated in different countries based on their climatic conditions, mode of life and various other factors prevailing in those climates. So, one type wont suit all countries other than where it was found.

So, following a series of exercises which is suitable to all climates, for all sections of human community like men, women and children is very essential when following world-wide.

These Simplified Physical Exercises/Sukshma Vyayama of Vedhathiri Maharishi, if practiced regularly,

  • oxygenates the human body.
  • Activate the endocrine glands.
  • Purify the blood and regulate its circulation.
  • Rejuvenate the whole system and
  • Thus help build up a very high level of immunity against diseases.

Blessed with a healthy body and a long span of life, man can advance successfully in his spiritual quest and realize the purpose for which he came to this earth.

                                                               Namaste !

Author: Sriumadevi

A simple n lovely home maker with passion towards thoughtless awareness

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